Strategy & policies

The Science, Technology, and Innovation Plan launched by the Basque Government for the period 2001-2004 included nanotechnology as an strategic research area, due to its potential for having a major impact on the competitiveness of Basque companies. As a result, nanoscience research was promoted by the Basque Government.

Since its creation in 2006, nanoGUNE's research activity focuses not only on carrying out excellent research, but also on the transfer of knowledge and technology to its industrial environment.

The main objectives of nanoGUNE are the following:

  • To lead, support and coordinate research in nanoscience and nanotechnology in the Basque Country.
  • To promote technology transfer and the development of a nanotechnology-based Industry.
  • To support new academia curricula and high-level training of researchers in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
  • To foster networking and the creation of alliances with institutions and regions all over the world.
  • To strengthen the social use of research and the public understanding of science, including science and society issues.

Organization chart


The global management and organization of nanoGUNE are described in the organization chart.

Funding Agencies

Since its foundation in 2006, nanoGUNE has obtained an important amount of competitive funding from the local Governments, Industry, and the European Union.